“Creating the space to love our own golden hearts, every day.”

“After each ceremony, mystical experience, major life event, or change, there is an adjustment period. There is a window of time when we move whatever shifts have occurred on an energetic level, into all other aspects of our lives — mentally, emotionally, physically. I am honored to hold space for you while taking intentional time for yourself to be gentle, to go in, and to just be with what came through and may still be coming through. This is the medicine.


from the Greek, psyche + dēlos
to reveal your mind and soul

Microdosing for the Mind & Soul

Whether you are currently microdosing or wish to start, I offer guidance in navigating this space through coaching, education, tools, and holding sacred space on your journey. Together we will deepen your experience and bring all your surfacing wisdom into full integration with your life, so you can flow with confidence and alignment with all that you are.

book a session >

With You Every Step of the Way

Welcome to your own sacred journey into the depths of your soul. This package begins with a session in which I channel the plant medicines and hold space for you to find the journey that’s right for you and to set your intention. The day after your chosen journey, we meet again so you can start to process your experience. Integration and support continues in the days, weeks, and months to come. 

start your sacred journey >

Mining for Gold (integration work)

One ceremony done in your 20s can literally be gold you can mine for the rest of your life. Continued Integration is a promise to come back to the altar, to revisit the uniqueness of each experience in the future -  6 months, a year, two years, whatever it may be. The return, the remembering, will honor wherever you find yourself in life.)

start mining for gold >

  • "In my plant medicine journey with Melissa, I felt so beautifully held and safe, leading to profound spiritual clarity and awakening more of my own essence! This medicine is magic and the sacredness that Melissa holds it with is rare in the plant medicine community."

    Erin O.
    Energy Healer and Coach

  • "I knew something important was shifting when I started to notice the trees in more detail, to be more aware of my feet on the ground, and to enjoy my encounters with strangers. I love sitting within Melissa's non-judgmental, creative awareness, and I walk away from each session with a new perspective. Her guidance has helped me connect to my own intuition and even access subconscious insights. I always emerge inspired to do what I can to stay aligned with that openness."

    Amanda A.
    Assistant Professor of English, Catholic University

  • “My session with Melissa was deeply grounding and affirming. The quality of her listening was so present and heartfelt that I immediately felt deeply seen. I walked out with more clarity about how I wanted to show up for myself and communicate with others. Melissa is a kind, gentle, nonjudgmental, and loving presence - a very special human!”

    Carolyn M.

  • "The openness of the space Melissa is capable of creating, even virtually, is intoxicating and liberating. She made me feel safe and grounded as she guarded, uplifted and honored each vulnerable piece of myself. Melissa's sensitivity and gentleness make her oh-so perceptive, and her intuitive contributions to our sessions were such lovely guideposts as we journeyed together. I can't even begin to express how grateful I am to have encountered a soul like Melissa."

    Jacy Z.

  • "I had been meditating independently for several years before Melissa started guiding a circle in our community. I've found our sessions to be incredibly insightful and important to my spiritual growth. Melissa's warm and nature-based approach creates an inviting space for both community and introspection, even outside in the middle of winter!"

    Adam L.

  • "Melissa created such a lovely safe space for us to connect. I really felt like we were in a bubble and I could reveal anything to her and move through it. Working with Melissa felt like a mixture of a meditation and a therapy session. I felt calmer, lighter, and more at ease afterwards. I wish I could share that space with her everyday!"

    Los Angeles, Filmmaker

  • "I can definitely say I've been on a journey of self-exploration for the last few years. My sessions with Melissa helped lead to the realization that my current career/business was no longer serving me physically, emotionally, and socially. As I'm writing this today, I just accepted a job as a financial advisor and realigning into a career that will require me to connect with people on a personal level and help them plan for their financial futures. I'm pretty excited about that! It's scary to start over but I feel excited to do something that I think will bring more value to individuals. So I'd say that's a pretty big integration!"

    Brian B.
    Los Angeles

  • "Melissa's warmth, soothing voice, and the content of her meditations make it easy to unwind and feel positive energy. The sharing (or choosing not to share) after the meditation is comfortable, non-threatening, and enlightening. I always leave feeling better than I did when I arrived."

    Jenny E.

  • "Melissa is one of the kindest, sweetest souls I know. Her ability to hold space for you in a way that makes you feel safe and seen is a gift. She has a way of putting you at ease immediately, and the peace and love that radiates out of Melissa is palpable."

    Jenna S.
    Interior Design

  • "I needed this now. This was a gift. Your voice is so soothing. Soul Balm ✨🌹✨ "

    Music Medicine Woman

Soul Revealing Sessions

As an ICF accredited coach and psychedelic plant medicine guide, I help clients maximize the transformational healing experiences that accompany plant medicines (e.g., psilocybin).

  • I help you clarify your intentions before use and get clear on why you want to sit with a particular plant medicine.

  • I help you infuse the medicine with your clear intentions, so you can receive exactly what you need and maximize the magic and power of plant medicine.

  • I guide you into finding your own “right relationship” with the medicines — knowing how to sit with them, when to sit with them, and how often — while simultaneously holding space for you to process and integrate your experience.

Questions before booking?