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Jessell’s artwork is driven by her interest in the states of consciousness that occasion mystical or spiritual experiences. She seeks to explore the divine through sacred geometry, fractals, and dendritic patterns as they present themselves in our material world. Using photography, videography, paint, and digital collage, Jessell strives to make work that explores the macro in the micro—revealing what lies just beyond our reality, unveiling uncanny, hidden worlds, and inducing states of calm for the viewer, as well as within herself.

Jessell’s work conjures otherworldly atmospheres or hydrospheres, flowing energies that invite the viewer to dive, fly, and float into the immersive lightness associated with being present. These atmospheric images are an invitation into a meditative and transcendent experience, which can be accessed upon deep engagement. Her work presents itself as an antidote to the perceived chaotic state of the world, by aiding in shifting our perspectives, changing our minds — guiding metanoia — and revealing the universal consciousness of awareness.

Residing in the Washington, DC area, she shows her artwork regularly in galleries such as Latela Curatorial and as a member of the Torpedo Factory.