With an interest in the etheric, the formless, and the spiritual, Jessell seeks feelings of weightlessness — of experiencing gravity as any celestial body in our perceived universe — by floating. In SPHERES, photographs of a broken prism and a pyramid of man-made opalite are used to observe subtle shifts in color, light, and texture, creating space for the transcendent experience. It is easy to mistake the images for imagined lithospheres, atmospheres, hydrospheres, and become lost in those experiences; quieted.
Floating #6, c-print, 18"x 25", 2018
Floating #2, c-print, 18"x 25", 2018
Colonized Pumpkin-sphere #2, c-print, 18" x 22", 2022
Floating #14, c-print, 19" x 13", 2018
Floating #13, c-print, 19" x 13", 2018
Amethyst Geode #3, c-print, 23" x 16", 2019
Floating #8, c-print, 18"x 25", 2018
Floating #1, c-print, 18"x 25", 2018
Floating #5, c-print, 25" x 18", 2018
Floating #9, c-print, 18"x 25", 2018
Floating #3, c-print, 18" x 25", 2018
Floating #10, c-print, 25" x 18", 2018