Gather, c-print on linen cotton canvas, 57" x 39", 2022
Contemplation, c-print on linen cotton canvas, 57" x 39", 2022
Climb Pyramid (Joshua Tree), c-print and linen canvas, 24" x 32 ", 2022
Climb Conscious Rock (Joshua Tree), c-print and linen canvas, 24" x 32 ", 2022
StoneHenge Solstice Float 1, c-print, 18" x 17", 2019
StoneHenge Solstice Float 2, c-print, 23" x 14", 2019
Conscious Rock #7, c-print in metal gold frame, 17” X 23”, 2022
The Long and Winding Road, c-print on Linen - Cotton Canvas, 57" x 39", 2022
Energy Orb Vortex with Gills of Light (Avalon), c-print, 14" x 21", 2019
Enter the Tiger's Eye, c-print, 30" x 21", 2019
Tree Ship (Peru), c-print, 18" x 18", 2023
Amethyst painted 3
Amethyst painted 4
fluorite garden 3
fluorite garden painted 2 (ecstatic exchange)
amethyst painted 2 (the pool)
opalite dragons painted 1 (Bust with thought forms)
Amethyst painted 1 (pillar of light)
fluorite garden painted 1 (OG thoughtforms)
fluorite painted (ascending crown)
Shell painted 1 (wild child)
mushroom painted 1 (spore-atic)
opalite dragons painted 2
Shell painted 2 (birthing ganesha)
amethyst painted 5
golden smokey flower of life painted (name pending)
meet me at the horizon