Void Meditation

“Macro photo for a feather mirrored in 4 directions" 
Title: Willie's World
46" x 23"

Journey into the void.

First I calm my body and my nervous system, which are on hyperdrive too frequently for me to be able to claim I'm a chilled out person in a chilled out bod.

[Nah, I’m not there in this current lifestyle - this is part of what I am choosing to leave behind.]

Goodbye frayed nerves. I will not be bringing you into my present and future self. I thank you for doing all you could to keep me safe. I’m sorry so much stuff in life keeps this triggered in me. It is not necessary. I must have an aversion to stuff and patterns in its density and without relief or respite.

Go into the void.

I melt into a single dark spot in my vision. I bring it close, so close it engulfs my vision. I feel it. I feel the darkness in me, the black, no-thing-ness, I fill my being and fill the outside of my being with the black and eventually it dissolves the boundary of me - the physical hardline just fades.

And then I allow no-thing to be my mind.

I don’t need to imagine what it is to be the entire ocean, a moment will do.

And so I float, I immerse, I surface, to find there is no surface, there is only the exit of the void, which isn’t really a thing, I am always held in the dark womb of the creatrix, but beyond the center of all creation are patterns arising, thoughts, the whisper of beings, the expansion of time, and the contraction into solid matter.

Return again.

It’s ok to surface. It’s ok to feel the pull of the mind and the energy and the body. Feel it. Feel it get engulfed all over again. It’s good for me. I dissolve. I breathe. I squeeze. I feel energized and alive in every electron.

I allow a single electron from my being to extend into the far beyond. It goes wherever I put my focus and it creates new fields, new bubbles, new boundaries, new power centers. It is a power center; a one and zero-point power center. And I can create with this intention. I can now move my awareness throughout my body. I trust my electron, a single electron, to go with my focus and to make intelligent improvements, downloads, upgrades, and healing wherever the reality of my highest demands.

I am in trust. I trust my body to heal itself. I use whatever tools are at my disposal to help me touch this energy, even for a moment, daily. So that I can continue to heal, show up, use my voice, send ripples of powerful, healing energy out into the world for the highest and greatest good of all beings on all planes of existence throughout time and space and dimension. Aho!

Fear has not visited me. I am free. Hoka-hey!


Free: Psychedelic Journaling Handbook for Processing & Integration


Validation: You are loved